Signs your pet is in Pain.

Many behaviors and physical changes can indicate that a dog is in pain. Learn how to recognize the signs of pain in dogs, what causes it, what you can do to help, and how to discuss your concerns with your vet.

Dog sick
Is my dog in pain ? Is he hurt? This blog has answer to all questions 

Our most loyal companion can't speak with us. Due to this they suffer in silence. As they can't share their feelings with us. It makes it  difficult to check on them. They are not able to share their pain with us.  So we should try read those signs your dog is in pain. There are number of signs some more obvious than other which tells us in pain.
Remember that you can't treat your dog's pain yourself. As giving wrong medication to your dog can  be very dangerous to their health.  Also don't ignore these signs in your pet. As it's better to check with your vet than regret later.

Loss of appetite-

Dog sniffing food
Did your dog stop eating

Are your pup's food left untouched by him? Does he not eat his food, despite changing plates or food  this might be sign your pet is sick. It can also mean your dog is in pain. Lack of appetite, which is called inappetence by vet could sign of pain, or discomfort.   You could try to tempt him with treats and check if he wants to eat it, If he still doesn't eat take him to the vet for check up.

Breathing Heavily-

 Dog Sitting on the Grass
Is your dog panting lot?

Is your dog panting a lot? and you could hear him pant loudly? It is normal  to pant after exercise but if he is panting even if he is just laying around get him checked with vet. This is really subtle sign to look out for. As it could indicate medical emergencies, including pain, heatstroke and poisoning. It is also often overlooked by pet parents. Panting can also be a subtle sign of severe pancreatitis.

Whimpering and whining-

 Tricolor Beagle on Green Grass
Saddest sound we hear

Hearing your dog whimper is always heartbreaking for us. Some dogs remain quiet when they are hurting . But some dogs especially the young pups may whimper and cry when they are in pain. Some of them whine for us to get us checked on them. Make sure they are not whining for your attention.
Change in behavior's-If your dog loves to cuddle and get petted by you and suddenly stops coming near you can be a sign of pain. Many times dog don't let people touch as they are in pain or hurting, they will try to hide it. Some of them will get aggressive when they are hurt. Some dogs will stop getting up and behave lethargic.  

Excessive Grooming-

dog licking
excessive cleaning?

Many times dog will try to lick away the pain. Dogs may lick to alleviate pain from injuries or arthritis. If you suspect pain is the cause, consult with your vet for proper management and pain relief options. Sometimes dog lick due to skin infection and ticks.

What can pet owners do to help dogs in pain?

  • Try to get your dogs to vet for check up as soon as possible.
  • Try to make your dog as comfortable possible by soft padded bedding.
  • Make sure the room is quiet and no one disturbs them.
  • Ensure your dog is given correct dose of medication given by vet at proper times. (Pro tip- Have an alarm for meds of dog with doses written)

It's always hard to see our loved pups in pain, but it's always better to get them check with vets. So keep looking out for signs and take care!